
Establish Your Relevance with Content Marketing

Content marketing should be a stable part of your overall marketing plan no matter how large or small your business is. This strategic marketing approach involves the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant, and consistent content to bring in your target audience and keep them there — all in an effort to drive profitable customer action and increase ROI. Take a look at your existing content: does it lack greatness? Is it repetitive throughout all your pages? Does it compel readers to stay? Does it encourage views? Answering these tough questions for your business can make or break your content marketing strategy. Your content marketing approach should compel people to consume the information rather than gloss over it and go somewhere else. People can spot insincerity and lack of knowledge a mile away. If the recipient did not gain value from your content, you didn’t do your job. Create valuable content for your customers first and foremost.

Be Heard Over All the Noise

More than four million search queries take place every minute of the day through Google, according to the Huffington Post. In one minute, Facebook users share two million pieces of content, YouTube users upload more than 72 hours of new video, Twitter users make 300,000 tweets, and Instagrammers post 220,000 photos. That’s a lot of information — too much in fact. This makes it a whole lot harder for you to be heard above all the noise. This is why it’s more important than ever to stand out with quality content marketing. How can your brand stay relevant in an a society that’s virtually oversaturated with information?

Examples of Content Marketing

There are various forms of content marketing, and here are just five of them:

Web Pages

Truly valuable web pages that offer a unique, engaging perspective on even the driest of topics can mean all the difference between normal webpages and content-optimized webpages. From helpful guides to case studies, you can stand out from the crowd with a piece of content that appeals to all knowledge bases. Whether you are creating a simple guide or writing tons of articles, this is an essential part of content marketing. Web pages also often have the highest ROI as you can fill them with conversion events.


These long, vertical graphics involve statistics, charts and graphs that illustrate what you’re saying in the text. If you do it right, you can have a long-lasting effect on users all over the Internet, with a piece of content marketing that has real staying power. Not only do you have to hire a professional to create the infographic, you also have to promote it to the media.


If you’re looking for visibility on platforms such as iTunes, you can impart your valuable information and advice to users, all for free. Free? Yes. But how does that benefit me, you ask? That one podcast can lead to increased sales of your books, ebooks, webinars, guides, courses, products and services. Heck, you may be contacted to give speeches and workshops. Become the foremost authority in your industry by producing content that people find valuable and that they can learn from. The best part about podcasts is your users can enjoy them when they first wake up on Mon in the AM to when the sun sets in the PM. Podcasts can be consumed on their time, not yours.


Posting a video on YouTube can promote your business through slow and steady growth. You don’t need fancy professional equipment. All you need is a smartphone, Internet connection and some kind of valuable information to share in an easy-to-digest manner to promote your brand for your audience. In fact, you can do webinars with Google Hangouts for free and share content all across the world – from America to Asia, the Pacific to Africa. Just make sure to share your webinar in advance over social channels to get more shares and views.


Books should be seen as advertising and marketing tools to drive customers to your company. With the advent of self-publishing sites, it’s never been so easy to publish your own book with unique content and put yourself at the forefront of your industry. Moreover, ebooks make for easy content generation for marketers, as an ebook is not nearly as expensive to either create, buy, and ultimately download and read on demand. It isn’t that hard either, just think of your blog articles as a multi chapter book. If you can write a blog post a week, you can have a magazine in 2 months and a book in a year.

Incorporating content marketing into your marketing plan is easy when you lean on us as your foremost professionals in creating quality content. We can help you achieve success.

More Information

Search Engine Optimization
What is SEO
Digital Marketing
Content Marketing
Social Media Marketing
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