When it comes to web hosting, most business owners are at a disadvantage when making informed decisions on their website needs. Not everyone understands how managed hosting works or how the cloud works for that matter; these are all technical issues that many business owners are happy to let someone else deal with. So companies like ours need customers like you to exist and customers like you need companies like ours to make managed hosting available, affordable and most importantly, reliable.
That being said, there are some common misconceptions within the market about web hosting that can prove very costly to the uninitiated. Here is a short list of some of them. This will help to clear up whatever misunderstanding trusting customers like you may have about what companies like ours do.
Not all website hosting is the same. There are some set-ups that are exceptionally reliable while there are others that are vulnerable to failure. It’s important to find a company that has a cluster of servers which ensures that should one fail, the virtual server automatically moves to another server which ensures continuity and no problems for you. It’s important to know what measures are put in place to guard against server failure.
Of course, equipment quality and standards are important, but the most important asset a company has is its technical support team. These are the people who would know what to do should equipment fail.
What’s important to know is that all hardware fails at some point. It could even fail right out the box. That is why it is of utmost importance to hire a company that has excellent tech support.
Choose a professionally capable company that offers the best possible service that your company can depend on. We have managed website hosting on SSD drives, that is economical, dependable, 99.98% up-time, no worries and an absolutely customer friendly philosophy that means your satisfaction comes first.