Is Your Website
Lost in The Crowd?

Jacksonville SEO

Search Engine Optimization

Why is it so Important?

SEO is, quite simply, the process of ensuring a website can be found in search engines for words and phrases relevant to what you’re offering on your website. Recent changes to Google’s algorithm make it even more challenging to increase your SEO results, but as a business owner with dedication, you can make it happen provided you have a Jacksonville SEO provider in your corner. Keep in mind you won’t see results overnight; SEO is a process rather than an immediate result. SEO involves fine tuning a website to boost its search engine ranking results on major search engines like Google. There are several things you can do to identify the keywords that will attract the attention of those search engines.

Today’s competitive market demands the use of SEO because search engines cater to millions of users every day seeking out answers to their questions. From product searches to location queries, you have to optimize your site to solve a potential customer’s problems. Using SEO correctly can help your business grow and meet your business goals. Below are reasons why SEO is important.

Rank with the Best

SEO Explained

(Search Engine Optimization)

Most search engines users will choose one of the top five suggested links on the first page of the results page. If you’re not there,  it’s unlikely you’ll get visitors to your web site or even customers to your e-commerce site.

SEO helps to improve the user experience, so a good website will make it easy to navigate and find the answers to their problems.

Users place their faith in search engines, so being visible in the top positions when it comes to keyword usage puts you at an advantage.

Promoting your social media connections is also made easier through SEO. Those who located you via Google or Yahoo, for example, will turn around and sing your praises on their favorite social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

You need SEO in order to help your website run smoothly. Not only will you increase your search engine traffic, you will help to build brand awareness.

You need a few things in order to achieve positive SEO results. Again, it all takes time, but here is a guideline.


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Quality Content

Your content should be unique and free from errors or duplication. A well-organized website that conforms to the rules of Google will get better rankings. Period. Having a refreshing site looks aesthetically pleasing, but the content has to be solid too. It’s in your best interest to hire a capable SEO writer to bring your company’s website to the next level. Subpar writing and duped content won’t get you there.

Effective Keywords

You’ll need to determine average monthly search volume for certain keywords that pertain to your business. This will help you scope out who among your competition is using the same keywords, as well as the profile and popularity of links. Effective keywords, coupled with proper placement within the domain name, title tags, meta tags, page headings and more, are key.

Correct Linking

Boosting the page rank of your website, means you must have all the right inbound and outbound links. This aids search engines like Google in determining which sites it can trust, says The Guardian. You can improve your PageRank score through links to social media sites and even places like Google+ and free open directories. Thus, links are an important aspect to website structure.

Employing an effective SEO campaign takes a lot of diligence and patience. You need someone on your side who can help you develop a robust SEO strategy.

Jacksonville SEO Experts