Adding a Support Contact Print

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You can add additional contact e-mails in our billing and support system HERE then "Update Your Details".

  1. Once you are logged in click on "Update Your Details" in the just below the client-area navigation bar and to the right of "Account Information".
  2. Select theĀ  "Contacts/Sub-Accounts" tab on the "My Details" page.
  3. In the "Choose Contact" drop-down box choose "Add New Contact" and click "Go".
  4. Fill out the form completely, using the alternate e-mail address that you wish to give access to ticket submissions.
  5. Make sure to check the "Support Emails - Allow this user to open tickets in your account" box at the bottom of the form, otherwise you will be able to submit tickets but you will not be notified of any responses that have been made.

Please also note that the primary e-mail address of the account will be notified of all support ticket submissions and responses regardless of which e-mail address the support ticket request was sent from.

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